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ESR 05

Elmozafar Abdelhafiz

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→ Recruited at:

KU Leuven (Belgium)

→ PHD enrolled at:

KU Leuven (Belgium)

→ Title Dissertation:

Arab-Muslim encounters with Orientalism in the colonial age

→ Master Degree in:

Anthropology at Leipzig University (Germany)

– 2017-2019


→ Supervisor: Prof. Umar Ryad

Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies, he leads a European Research Council (ERC) project which focuses on the “History of Muslims in Interwar Europe” (2014-2019). He is co-supervisor of Eleonora Landucci (ESR 4) and co-coordinator of WP 2.
→ Co-Supervisor: Prof. Albrecht Fuess

He is Professor at the Department of Islamic Studies of Philipps-University of Marburg. He is the main supervisor of Zeynep Aydin (ESR 14), coordinator of WP 7 and co-coordinator of WP 5.

→ External Tutor: Nicolette van der Hoek

Brill’s acquisitions editors in the field of Middle East and Islamic Studies, and Abdurraouf Oueslati, Academic Project Manager of the Encyclopaedia of Islam III. Koninklijke Brill NV.

The sub-project provides a historical analysis
of religious mediation, thus contributing to the concept of mediation applied in the whole project.

Links to other projects

→ Cultural encounter and adaptation

Mustafa Çolak (ESR 6) 

→ History of Western art collections

Mahdieh Tavakol (ESR 8)

→ Transmission of knowledge

Justin Mauro Benavidez (ESR 12)

→ Colonial period representation of Mecca

Rukayyah Reichling (ESR 13)

→ Building of stereotypes

Mounir Saifi (ESR 15)


→ Tropenmuseum – Amsterdam/Leiden/ Rotterdam/Berg en Dal (April 2020)


→ Brill Publisher – Leiden (June 2020)

“General introduction to academic publishing”

→ Cultural Heritage without Border – Bosnia Herzegovina (February 2022)

“Heritage interpretation, story-telling, historic routes, conservation of museum artefacts and interpretation, IT tools

in heritage and tourism, use of new technologies in heritage institutions and museum”


→ Country


→ Name

Elmozafar Abdelhafiz

→ Contact 

Personal information

General information

Expected results



Film: ESR 5 Elmozafar Abdelhafiz



Today is a special day. We proudly present the first of 15 films of the #ENIS/#MIDA summer school 2020. Our ESR Elmozfar Abdelhafiz directed (t)his piece of moving art. Elmozfar, a scientist and historian, put an interesting approach into his entertaining short film. As the presenter he asks questions like: What if we were able to view and write history interactively? What if we approached it in a manner similar to video games?




#wisdom #IslamAndScience #digitalage #scicomm #H2020 #MSCA #filmmaking #videogames #scienceandfilm #youngdirectors


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This project has received the European union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie grant agreement N°813547.

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