We start this week with the fascinating film of our ESR Hayat Douhan.

Hayat’s participation in the MIDA-ENIS summer school is an occasion to explore her research context/population, which is the Moroccan Muslim religious field/community in the diaspora. In her presentation, she tackled the issue of Moroccan Imams in Europe with a focus in Germany.
Great job, Hayat!
#Islam_in_Europe#Moroccan_diaspora #Moroccan_Imams #Imam_training . #open_access #sharing_knowledge #science4all #covid19 #online_conference #learning_from_home #summer_school #digital_age #MIDA_learning_Journey #itn_mida #wisskomm #IslamAndScience #scicomm #H2020 #MSCA #filmmaking #scienceandfilm #phdandfilm